Cast Call - Extras

Extra Players

Charlotte Prescott

Age - 18

Knows the Cullens through Peter and Jasper being good friends.

Dating Peter Cross.

Attends Private Girls school in Atlanta.

Peter Cross

Age - 18

Dating Charlotte Prescott

Is Jasper's best friend and partner in all sorts of crimes.

Enjoys getting into and out of trouble without any dirt sticking to him.

Garrett Evanson

Age - 20

Dating Kate Ross

Good friends with Edward and Emmett.

Cousins of the Cullen family, his mother is Esme's sister.

Kate Ross

Age - 19

Dating Garrett Evanson

Older sister Tanya (20) and younger sister Irina (17)

Tanya Ross

Age - 20

Likes to drink and party.

Knows Jasper through Peter.

Very close friends with Victoria.

Victoria Langford

Age - 21

Likes to drink and party.

Enjoys a good bet/gamble.

Good friends with Tanya Ross

Royce King

Age - 17

Transfer from out of state.

Gets close to Jasper quickly.

Chases after Rosalie because she's the prettiest girl in school.

Cast Call - Evergreen Academy "The Lessers"

The Lessers

Eric Yorkie

Age - Sixteen (Sophomore)

Nickname - None

Friends - Rest of the Lessers.

Secret - Digs pop music, although he constantly plays The Cure for effect.

Ben Cheney

Age - Sixteen (Sophomore)

Nickname - Benji (only Angela gets away with calling him that)

Friends - Rest of the Lessers.

Secret - Has been in love with Angela since she walked into their Kindergarten class.

Angela Webber

Age - Sixteen (Sophomore)

Nickname - Angie (Only Ben calls her that)

Friends - Rest of the Lessers.

Secret - Has been in love with Ben since she he gave her his PBnJ in Kindergarten.

Lizzie Havers

Age - Sixteen (Sophomore)

Nickname - none
Friends - Rest of the Lessers.

Secret - Like's Em but knows he has unrequited feelings for Rose.

Cast Call - Evergreen Academy "The Untouchables"

The Untouchables

Rosalie Hale

Age - Seventeen(Sophomore, Head Cheerleader)

Nickname - Rosie, Rosella, R-Bean by Jessica only.

Friends - Rest of the Untouchables.

Secret - Wants to be more than just be some boys arm candy, sees thats what her mother is and wants MORE out of her life

Tyler Crowley

Age - Eighteen (Senior, Plays Football with Edward, Tight End)

Nickname - T-Bone.

Friends - Rest of the Untouchables.

Secret - Crushing on Lizzie Havers.  Wants Em to set them up.
Mike Newton

Age - Eighteen (Senior, plays with Jasper)

Nickname - Douche Newton, Mikey D.

Friends - Rest of the Untouchables.

Secret - Failing out of school. Only parents donations keeping him afloat.

Alice Brandon

Age - Sixteen (Sophomore)

Nickname - Alice, Al.

Friends - Semi permanent hook up of Jasper, very much a loner, in the arts department is where you'll find her.

Secret - Lives virtually on her own, her Aunt Lividia is bed bound with old age.

Bella Swan

Age - Seventeen (Senior)

Nickname - Baby, Bee

Friends - Dating Edward since Junior Year. President of the Student Council and most likely Valedictorian. Friendly with Emmett.

Secret - Has applied for colleges out of state, though Edward thinks she's coming with him to GSU.

Lauren Mallory

Age - Seventeen (Senior)

Nickname - L Bean (but she ignores it.. only Mike calls her that)

Friends - Rosalie, Jessica, Tyler and Edward.

Secret - Was screwing Mike behind Rosalie's back.

Jessica Stanley

Age - Seventeen (Senior)

Nickname - J- Bean (only she calls herself that)

Friends - Rosalie, Lauren, Tyler and Mike.

Secret - Has already accepted a scholarship to Harvard, acts the way she does because she doesn't know any better.

Cast Call - Cullens

Emmett Cullen

Age - Fifteen, Sixteen before the end of Sophomore year.
Nickname - Teddy, Brother Bear, Little Bro. Em.
Health - A little overweight, asthmatic, hypoglycemic
Friends - Eric Yorkie, Ben Cheney, Angela Webber, Lizzie Havers
School Life- Debate Club, Helps with Science Fair. Has had IQ Tested.. ranked in the Genius level.
Secret - Crushing HARD on Rosalie Hale.
Edward Cullen

Age - Eighteen (Senior at Evergreen Academy)
Nickname - None.
Health - Fit as a fiddle, has Football Scholarship to play for the GSU Panthers
Friends - Bella Swan (Girlfriend), Tyler Crowly, Mike Newton,
School Life - 4.0 GPA.
Secret - Doesn't enjoy picking on Em as much as Jasper does.

Jasper Cullen
Age - Seventeen (Junior at Evergreen Academy)
Nickname - Jay, Jazz, Green.
Health - Fit as a fiddle, has Football Scholarship to play for the GSU Panthers
Friends - Alice Brandon (main squeeze), Peter McManus, Charlotte Prescott, Royce King
School Life - Doesn't attend as much as he should, but still maintains a 3.9 average.
Secret - Quite good with sensing what people need, and delivering.

Carlisle Cullen
Age - 44, but looks more like mid thirties
Nickname - Dad, Doctor C.
Home Life - Dental surgeon
Secret - Thinks Esme coddles Emmett too much.

Esme Cullen
Age - 43
Nickname - Mommy, Mom, Essy.
Home Life - Stay at home mom, dabbling in website creation now that the boys are nearly all finished with school. Takes classes in the day time at the local college.
Secret - Worries about Emmett like its her other job.

Cullen Home
* 4 Bedrooms, 3 1/2 bathrooms.
* Barn where they have horses.
* Barn also houses a small self contained apartment
*Out of town.